Infection Control Course
Are you tired of taking generic infection control courses that don’t apply to your specific office? This course provides an in-depth coverage of the required background information necessary for OSHA and CDC regulatory compliance and addresses specific Infection Control Issues in the individual dental offices.
At the conclusion of this presentation, the participant will have an understanding of the following Infection Control Topics:
- Hazardous Communication Plan Update 2013
- Blood Borne Pathogen Standard
- CDC Guidelines update 2016
- PEP Guidelines
- Record Keeping
- Latex Sensitivity Issues
- EPA/DOT Waste Management
- CDC Compliance
- Covid 19 Compliance
- Course is approved by the Maryland Board and MAGD
Courses can be presented at individual dental offices or by zoom technology Regularly scheduled courses are held at Hygiene Associates conference room.
Call 301-590-0214 to request a registration form or email